M. Sweeney
Pensive Polymath

A work in progress
This site is a work in progress. Honestly, I bought it originally just to get a very short email address.I am also a work in progress. I teach and I make things, and I work to improve at both.
Lorem Ipsum
Morbi semper nisl et dictum cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam blandit etiam vel massa eget mollis. Donec at quam orci. Proin et semper metus consequat etiam.
Morbi semper nisl et dictum cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam blandit etiam vel massa eget mollis. Donec at quam orci. Proin et semper metus consequat etiam.
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You Clicked on the Fax Machine
What on Earth possessed you to click on the fax symbol? Well, I hope you're proud of yourself. You found the secret page.
Thank you
Morbi semper nisl et dictum cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam blandit etiam vel massa eget mollis. Donec at quam orci. Proin et semper metus consequat etiam.